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Wspierając Fundację Pobliskie Miejsca Pamięci Auschwitz-Birkenau, pomagasz nam ocalić od zapomnienia miejsca oraz artefakty, pozostałości po działalności kompleksu KL Auschwitz. Wspólna praca i pomoc pozwoli zachować niemych świadków tych tragicznych wydarzeń dla przyszłych pokoleń.

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Today took place a ceremony of 72nd anniversary of sgt Alvin J Ellin’s death

 shot after jumping with parachute from damaged american bomber, coming back from raid on the tin workshops and chemical facility there. Bullets of german gendarme reached him whil still in the air, this means it was a war crime – he had no Chance to put up a fight or give up.

He has been buried 19 of October 1944 by the fence of chapel at Jawiszowice cemetery.  After liberation on 21st of October 1945 moved with ceremony to own grave, at the time still as unknon aviator, Exhumed 18th of October 1947, sfter recognition as sgt Alvin J Ellin  his remains have been taken by representatives of US Army to one of the american war cemeteries. At the time of death he was 19 years old, he was a rear gunner in American bomber, Flying Fortress B17. From whole crew of 10, that jumped with parachutes above Jawiszowice he was the only casualty. Eight of them have been captured, and one of them thanks to help of locals and polish National Army went back to his garriosn in Italy.

Shot above Jawiszowice by German anti-aircraft battery stationed in Przecieszyn was american aircraft B17 Flying Fortress with the name of St. Francis.

Todays ceremony have been organised by students from Historical Classes from Primary and Kindergarten  facility no 6 in Jawiszowice by the name of Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński, who were present at the ceremony with their caretaker mrs Jadwiga Ignatiuk-Grzywa and mrs Barbara Fender. History Classes also took part in the years before at work renovating the statue of „Unknown American Flyer” that they have been taking care of for years now.  

Above that, at the ceremony were also present representative of Prime Minister’s Beata Szydło cabinet, authorities of Brzeszcze council with Mayor of Brzeszcze and some non-governmental organisations.

What power do we have, as adult people, representatives of many organizations, without youth? What would be our effort in sustaining historical heritage, taking care of memory sites and celebrating anniversaries like todays. It is only thanks to engagement of hese young people from school in Jawiszowice that wanted,and still want to take care of places like this and learn to live with histor y in a more material way, it all makes more sense in the field. We can only give tchem base for that, so in the future, as adults, they will be able to take on from us what we preserved, soi t wont fall into oblivion of memory. For that engagement of youths we thank them!

Student’s project „American wings on polish sky” cqan be seen at

